11 Plus Resources

11 PLus Resources

A range of resources have been carefully collated for the benefit of your child, for examinations using the CEM and GL boards. You will find there are numerous materials for English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning. However, there are some books and papers which can be utilised for both boards, which are labelled as such.

We hope you find it useful in your 11 Plus journey.

Reading Lists

(Years 4-7)

The following lists have wonderful books which have been picked for your child's enrichment.

Simply select the academic year your child is in to find the appropriate books. If your child is advanced in reading you could choose books from the next academic year, and to help your child improve their literary skills it would be great if they could write a little book review afterwards.

Most important of all, have fun reading these little gold nuggets of literature!

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